[x_custom_headline type=”left” level=”h4″ looks_like=”h4″]Something that weighs heavy on many people is unfinished assignments. The Lord has instructed them to do something, and yet month-after-month, and year-after-year, nothing is done about it. Unfinished assignments create a perpetual empty feeling, and often, many sleepless nights.[/x_custom_headline]
Most people die without ever accomplishing the plans and purposes that God had for their lives. Some start and never finish, while some never start at all. No wonder there are so many Christians who feel unfulfilled in their lives.
One great man of God who has gone before us to heaven, once said that the Lord told him, “Most ministers live and die, and never enter the first phase of what I have called them to do.” I know this is true about preachers, but I think it is true about most believers as well.
Why do so many Christians not finish the assignments the Lord has given them? I believe that much of the reason lies in how they handle the pressure the enemy brings against their lives. The fight of faith that is required to complete what God has told them to do is a battle that many are unwilling to enter.
So, when the pressure comes, or when there is a lack of funds or resources or people, they just quit. What is required in those times is the determination to walk by faith and not by sight. There needs to be a commitment to keep doing what the Lord said to do, no matter what.
If, like Peter, we take our eyes off from Jesus and what He told us, and place them instead on the storm, our water walking will come to an end and we will begin to sink (see Matthew 14:27-31). This is why I believe more often than not, we have so many unfinished assignments in the Body of Christ.
Another reason I believe many people don’t continue on with what God has told them to do is because of the mental warfare that occurs in their minds. The devil tells them, “Who do you think you are? You have no business doing this for God. You’re a no body; you’ve always been a no body. Don’t you remember all of the bad things you have done in your life? Why would God use you of all people? You’re worthless. Everyone knows you are worthless. It’s high time that you figure that out.”
So with the barrage of mental attacks against their mind, many people quit. They cave in from these mind games. Instead of casting down these imaginations, they believe and accept them as truth, and soon fold up under the pressure.
However, the Lord has given us mighty weapons to defeat these mental attacks (see 2 Corinthians 10:4-5). Use them and finish your assignments.
There is strength that comes to you when you complete the projects the Lord assigns to you. Look at Paul’s testimony.
[x_blockquote type=”left”]“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:” 2 Timothy 4:7 KJV[/x_blockquote]
Why not make this your testimony as well. Dump the deadweight of unfinished assignments. Get back up and get moving again. Your strength will return when you do.