[x_custom_headline type=”left” level=”h4″ looks_like=”h4″]I remember reading after a particular author who wrote, “Soul winning is the art of arts.” Yet sadly, most Christians have never developed this art.[/x_custom_headline]
[x_blockquote cite=”Philippians 11:30 KJV” type=”left”]“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.”[/x_blockquote]
Jesus compared soul winning to fishing (see Matthew 4:19). Real fishermen are skilled in what they do. We should study the Word until we are skilled with it in the way a fisherman is skilled at his craft. If you are going to “catch” a lost soul and win them to Jesus, then you will need to spend some time in the Word.
To win someone to the Lord you must first win their confidence and then win them with the Word. Here are a few things to know that will help you in leading someone else to salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ.
[highlight]To begin with, we must show them that because of Adam’s sin in the garden, man died spiritually and is in need of a savior, Jesus Christ (Genesis 2:17).[/highlight] And since the time of Adam, every man born except Jesus Christ has been born spiritually dead (see Romans 5:12). And the evil that is in the world is the outcropping of the death that is in man’s spirit.
Spiritual death is more evident in some people than it is in others. It is easy to see that the wicked criminal is spiritually dead. But even honest and good-living people are still spiritually dead, if they have never come to know Jesus as their Lord and savior.
We see man’s conduct, but God looks on the spirit, and it is there that spiritual death is lodged (see 1 Samuel 16:7). No matter how good someone is, everyone who is outside of Christ is spiritually dead and eternally lost.
The following are some scriptures about how to receive eternal life.
[x_blockquote cite=”John 1: 12 KJV” type=”left”]“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:”[/x_blockquote]
[x_blockquote cite=”Romans 10:9-10 KJV” type=”left”]“9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”[/x_blockquote]
The Word of God we act upon is our evidence of salvation. The written Word was given to us to reveal the Living Word, Jesus Christ to us.
There is no more effective way for someone to meet the Living Savior than to hear the Word of God from the lips of someone who is sold out to the Lord, and fully believes His Word (see Romans 10:13-15). We are not to just hold the Word; we are to hold it forth in a cheerful and inviting manner (see Philippians 2:15-16).
[x_blockquote cite=”Hebrews 4:12 KJV” type=”left”]“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”[/x_blockquote]
It is not our words, it is God’s Words that pierce a man’s soul and reveal to him his need for Jesus Christ.
You don’t always lead a person to Christ the first time you talk with them. Sometimes you will need to speak with them over and over again. But each time you speak with them, leave them with a verse or two to think about. This puts the powerful Word of God into action within them. The Word of God is alive and full of power and it brings life to those who hear.
Also, it is important to remember that when Jesus spoke with farmers for example, he used stories about seeds and harvest (e.g. Matthew 13:3-8). Learn to talk about subjects that the person is interested in and then with wisdom, steer the conversation towards what the Lord wants to do in their life.
Something else to consider, is that the person you lead to Christ may very well lead many others to Christ, and even become a leader in the Kingdom of God.
The following is a sample prayer you can use to lead someone to Jesus Christ. Remember, they must confess with their mouths, not just think with their minds.
“Oh God in Heaven, I come to you right now, in the Name of Jesus. I now turn my back on Satan, and I turn to you as my Father. I ask you to forgive me of my sins. I want to live for you.
I believe with all of my heart that Jesus died for my sins, and that you raised Him from the dead. Today, I confess that Jesus Christ in now my Lord and Savior.
Dear Jesus I thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. Come into my heart and live inside me. Make me brand new. I accept you as my Lord, my Master and my Savior. Thank you for saving me! I love you Lord.
I know that according to the Scriptures I am now a Christian, a child of God. I am born again. All my old sins have now passed away, and I am made new in Christ.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”